The Bachelor of Public Health Study Program (PSSKM) of Udayana University was established in 2001 under the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University (FK UNUD) based on Surat Keputusan Direktorat Jendral Perguruan Tinggi No.96/Dikti/Kep/2001 dated April 16, 2001. Then, based on Surat Keputusan Rektor Universitas Udayana No.160/J14/KP.02.18/2002, then since September 3, 2002 PSSKM is no longer under FK UNUD, but stands alone in line with other faculties in Udayana University. Initially (in 2001) education at PSSKM began with the implementation of the 2-year program (4 semesters) of S.KM education or the regular pathway with credits for students who had completed their D3 education in health (nursing, nutrition, midwifery, environmental health and other health fields). Since 2002, after PSSKM status became faculty level, student admissions were carried out through 2 channels, namely the 2-year program S.KM (regular with SKS) for students from D3 in the health sector and the 4-year (regular) S.KM pathway for students from high school graduates.
Since February 2009, PSSKM has been operating in a new building on the Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. And since then all administrative, secretarial and teaching and learning activities have been carried out in the new building. Since July 18, 2009, PSSKM has rejoined into a study program under the Faculty of Medicine. With the change in the status of PSSKM from a faculty-level study program to one of the study programs of the Faculty of Medicine, the organizational structure of PSSKM also underwent adjustments. Currently, PSSKM FK UNUD has 8 areas of specialization, namely Health Administration and Policy, Public Health Nutrition, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Population, Environmental Health, Occupational Health, Health Promotion, and Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health.