As part of the quality culture, efforts to improve and enhance the implementation of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, PSSKM periodically conducts monitoring and evaluation (monev) of the education, research and community service processes whose implementation is carried out in an integrated manner.
Monitoring and evaluation of the learning process is carried out every semester, both during the ongoing semester and at the end of the semester for each course, coordinated by the TPPM and assisted by the Education Personnel. At the end of the semester, each student provides an evaluation of the learning process for each course and student satisfaction in general by filling out a questionnaire on the IMISSU account on the KUESIONER-NG menu (
Tracer and stakeholder surveys are also routinely carried out with the aim of recording graduates and their achievements as well as graduate user satisfaction, the results of which can be used as the basis for educational development in PSSKM.
The tracer study questionnaire is addressed to PSSKM graduates in the last 2 years. The questionnaire can be accessed at the following link:
Stakeholder survey is aimed at users of PSSKM graduates. The questionnaire can be accessed at the following link:
Monitoring and evaluation of research and community service is carried out regularly at the level of study programs, faculties and university. At the level of the study program, the monev of research and community service are carried out by looking at the suitability of research and community service with the roadmap and standards of research and community service. The implementation is carried out by the person in charge of research and community service, assisted by the TPPM and monitored by the study program coordinator. The satisfaction of research and community service partners was evaluated by distributing a partner satisfaction questionnaire whose implementation was coordinated by the FK Research and Community Service Unit (UP2M) and the Unud Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM).