Internal Quality Audit
PSSKM is committed to always guaranteeing the quality implementation of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (education, research and service) in achieving its vision and mission. Quality culture is developed and implemented at the study program level in accordance with the continuous quality assurance cycle, namely PPEPP (determination, implementation, evaluation, control and improvement). The study program compiles educational, research and community service standards set by the faculty leadership and these standards are used as guidelines for the implementation of Tri Dharma by the entire academic community at PSSKM. Monitoring and evaluation is carried out routinely and comprehensively against these standards, also covering all existing systems at the faculty and study program levels, namely inputs, processes, outputs, results and impacts.
Internal evaluation of the implementation of standards is carried out through the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) organized by the Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) Unud. AMI in PSSKM has been carried out regularly once a year. AMI results are followed up by study programs and controlled in management review meetings at the faculty level to develop continuous improvement and improvement efforts.