Judiciary of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program


After a long time, the Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (PSSKM FK Unud) finally held Judicial activities for the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program. This activity was held on Monday, July 31 2023, on the 4th floor of the PSSKM Building. This activity was attended by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Chair of the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (KMKP) Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Mr. Mrs. teaching lecturers and staff at PSSKM FK Unud, Chair of HMKM FK Unud, as well as committee and judiciary participants.

In the Judicial Study Program for the July 2023 period, 49 students and students from 8 specializations participated. This event was officially opened by the Study Program Coordinator, namely Dr. Putu Ayu Swandewi Astuti, S.Ked, MPH, Ph.d.. She advised that this graduation moment is not the end, but this is the beginning of prospective graduates facing the real world, namely the world of work. Even so, Doctor Ayu hopes that the Yudisium Study Program participants will continue to maintain the good name of the alma mater and always maintain a sense of kinship as part of the FK Unud PSSKM alumni by taking the time to take part in friendly activities organized by HMKM in the future. Apart from messages from the Head of Study Program, the activities were also filled with messages from representatives of lecturers, students and graduates with the highest GPA which added a touching impression to the series of activities. Then, the event ended with joint documentation and a song presentation from representatives of the judiciary participants before finally all the attendees left the room.